The Roommate By: Rosie Danan – Audiobook Online
“The Roommate” is a contemporary romance novel that follows two unlikely roommates, Clara Wheaton and Josh Wallach. Clara is a highly-educated woman from a wealthy family who moves to Los Angeles to live with Josh, a struggling actor. The two begin an unconventional friends-with-benefits relationship, but things become complicated as they navigate their own personal issues and the pressures of their families and society. Along the way, they explore themes of identity, independence, and self-discovery.
The Roommate
- Narrated by: Brittany Pressley, Teddy Hamilton
“Warm funny and gorgeously sexy.” (New York Times book review)
The Wheatons were famous among the east coast elite for their lack of impulse control, with the exception of their daughter Clara. She is a perfect socialite: outstanding achievements, well behaved, predictable. But every Wheaton has their weakness. When Clara’s childhood sweetheart invites her to move cross-country, the offer is too tempting to refuse. Unfortunately, it’s also too good to be true.
After a bit of bait, Clara finds herself sharing a tenancy with a charming stranger. Josh can be a little sensitive – not to mention handsome – for comfort, but there’s a good chance he and Clara could survive sharing a summer sublet if she didn’t look him up on the Internet…
When she learns how Josh has made a name for herself, Clara realizes that living with him could make her Wheaton’s most scandalous story. His expertise inspired her to tackle the stigma against female lust on her own. They may not agree much, but Josh and Clara both believe that women deserve better sex. What they decide to do will change their lives, and if they’re lucky, they’ll help others get lucky too.
This is a fun and sexy read. It pulled me out of the slump of a pretty epic read. I love Clara and Josh and think they have great chemistry. They are a wonderfully “opposite attraction” couple and their personalities complement each other perfectly. I love all the playful, steamy moments they share throughout the book. I appreciate the discussion about active sex, prostitution, and prioritizing women’s pleasure. I enjoyed this book from start to finish and I can’t wait to read Naomi’s book!
I love listening to audiobooks by The Roommate. Teddy Hamilton is a favorite narrator and he does a great job voicing Josh! I can feel all of Josh’s emotions – laughter, pain and joy! Brittany Pressley is the perfect voice for Clara! I love the way that at the beginning of the book she is very uncertain and at the end she has become her own. Teddy Hamilton and Brittany Pressley are the perfect duo! They voiced Clara and Josh perfectly. I am sure that I will listen to this audiobook again in the very near future.
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- 01. welcome 8
- 02. The-Roommate-000 5384.75
- 03. The-Roommate-001 5384.75
- 04. The-Roommate-002 5384.75
- 05. The-Roommate-003 5384.72
- 06. The-Roommate-004 5384.75
- 07. The-Roommate-005 5384.75
- 08. The-Roommate-006 5384.75
- 09. The-Roommate-007 989.477
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