Witness to a Trial – The Whistler Book 0.5 By John Grisham

Case of the judge in The Whistler went sky high in fame within days and John Grisham received a standing ovation in the literary circle. All that forced the author to write something like that once again so he presents to us this short story as a sequel to that big drama. Narrator is not the same, Mark Deakins is selected because the man has some experience with the short stories and he tackles thrillers well.

 Many of the listeners will feel after listening to this short story that it is not a sequel; it is actually the same sort of story in a short form. In the fast world where people use the word fast even with food there is no need for longer versions of stories like novels.

 The big decorative starts with some history tags about the main characters are a waste of time because it is not connected to the story. Emotions and sensation can be transferred to the audience with the minimal of words. Like several other authors of the modern world John has used this book for the introductory purpose too.

 In modern literature authors write these short stories in which they introduce characters that they are willing to use in their next detailed work. Not detailed like Camino Winds but spooky and scary feeling is not removed from the book by John who can create mystery out of nowhere. 

Even in the simplest of scenes the author can arouse mystery for the spectators. Judges and courtrooms are used the same as in the previous book and now after this everyone hopes that Grisham will deliver another detailed masterpiece.    


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