Girls with Razor Hearts/ Girls with Sharp Sticks, Book 2 – Online Free Audiobook

Girls with Razor Hearts is the second book in the Girls with Sharp Sticks series by author Suzanne Young. It tells about a private high school for girls only far from reality.

It’s been weeks since Mena and the other girls of the Innovation Academy escaped their elite boarding school. Though traumatized by the violence and experiments that take place there, Mena quickly discovers that the outside world can be unwelcome and cruel. The girls have only each other – and the desire for revenge is strongly motivated to close the corporation that has imprisoned them.

The girls enroll in Ridgeview Prep, a private school with suspicious links to Innovations, to identify an investor’s son and take down the corporation from the inside. Revealing herself to be a double agent, and Winston Weeks, an academy investor turned fraud, Mena wonders if she and her friends are simply trading this form of control. for a form of control
They also face new questions about their existence…and what it means to be girls with razor hearts.

  • Girls with Razor Hearts

  • Girls with Sharp Sticks, Book 2

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Girls-With-Razor-Hearts-Girls-With-Sharp-Sticks-2-000 5384.75
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  • 04. Girls-With-Razor-Hearts-Girls-With-Sharp-Sticks-2-002 5384.75
  • 05. Girls-With-Razor-Hearts-Girls-With-Sharp-Sticks-2-003 5384.72
  • 06. Girls-With-Razor-Hearts-Girls-With-Sharp-Sticks-2-004 5384.75
  • 07. Girls-With-Razor-Hearts-Girls-With-Sharp-Sticks-2-005 5384.75
  • 08. Girls-With-Razor-Hearts-Girls-With-Sharp-Sticks-2-006 1864.22


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