Hieroglyphics A Novel – Audiobook Online

Hieroglyphics is a literary fiction book by author Jill McCorkle.
Jill McCorkle decoded and reconstructed what it means to be a father or mother, and what it means for a child to piece together the world around us, a child learning to make sense of the hieroglyphs of history and memory.

Lil and Frank, married at a young age, began flirting as they bonded over the fact that they both – suddenly, tragically – lost their parents as children. Their marriage is getting stronger and stronger, and each still wants to know more about the parents they lost early.

After many years in Boston, they retired to North Carolina. Lil, determined to leave history to their children, sift through letters, notes and diaries – perhaps revealing more secrets than Frank wanted their children to know. Frank is haunted by what may have been left behind at the house he lived in as a boy on the outskirts of town, where a young single mother, Shelley, is trying to raise her son. normally. Frank’s repeated visits to Shelley’s house began to bring back memories of her own family, memories she’d rather forget.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Hieroglyphics-000 5384.75
  • 03. Hieroglyphics-001 5384.75
  • 04. Hieroglyphics-002 5384.75
  • 05. Hieroglyphics-003 5384.72
  • 06. Hieroglyphics-004 5384.75
  • 07. Hieroglyphics-005 5384.75
  • 08. Hieroglyphics-006 2011.2


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