Invasion/ Forgotten Vengeance, Book 1 – Audiobook Online

Invasion is the first science fiction book in the Forgotten Vengeance series.
Two hundred years ago, aliens invaded Earth. Violent fighting ensued. The enemy has won. Some of us escaped, most of us did not.

On Proxima they thrive – the invasion is forgotten.
Our world is broken, barbaric and overrun.

A new invasion is coming. A hunger has swallowed half the universe.
They want to end us all. But where there is life, there is hope. And where there is hope, there are heroes.

“Invasion” has all of these elements, but I’ll be honest, while this is credited as “Forgotten Vengeance Book 1”, the script and some of the actors are from a different series, and although I did reading some of those books, I felt like I was in an ongoing story and it took me a while to sort through that feeling and understand what was really going on. Perhaps, if you haven’t read the other series, you won’t get lost, but I seriously doubt it.

That’s why I often give up reading Forbes – he’s so rich, that the different series start to lose their identity and merge into one, and keep track of which books are related. Any other book is being consumed too much. Or more specifically, trying to answer the question, is *this* book related to any other book, before you buy it is too hard to imagine.

Note: Please scroll down to load more books!!!

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Invasion-The-Warrior-Chronicles-4-000 5253.23
  • 03. Invasion-The-Warrior-Chronicles-4-001 5244.82
  • 04. Invasion-The-Warrior-Chronicles-4-002 5247.04
  • 05. Invasion-The-Warrior-Chronicles-4-003 5253.83
  • 06. Invasion-The-Warrior-Chronicles-4-004 5249.34
  • 07. Invasion-The-Warrior-Chronicles-4-005 5253.11
  • 08. Invasion-The-Warrior-Chronicles-4-006 423.414


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