Return of the Exile/ Dragonlance: Linsha Trilogy, Book 3 – Audiobook Online
Return of the Exile is the third literary fiction book in the Linsha Trilogy series by author Mary H. Herbert.
The third title in a trilogy that explores the south of the world of Dragonlance after the War of Souls.
Return of the Exile concludes a trilogy that revolves around Linsha Majere, the grandson of one of the central characters in the entire Dragonlance saga. This trilogy continues the story of the events after War of Souls in the world of Dragonlance and introduces a new villain to the scene.
This is a trilogy of books that I started off with a little reluctance. Linsha Majere a Knight of the Roses, a recent addition to the Majere family. However, this whole trilogy is great. There are unique characters, good storylines, and an ending that I personally find to be absolutely amazing.
At the beginning of this trilogy, I didn’t like Linsha very much, I thought she was annoying, boring and not well developed in terms of literature. However, by the end of the second book, I had begun to consider the trilogy quite well. At the end of this book, I learned that this trilogy would get better as it went on.
The third part of this trilogy begins with Linsha arriving in her hometown of Tarmack and a new life unfolding there. This part of the book particularly excites me because it shows us a whole new light on Linsha during her struggle to live in an alien society. After a daring escape on the back of a sick dragon, Linsha sets out to find a way to retrieve the stolen dragon eggs.
Overall, I’m very satisfied with the plot and the continuation of the story. I feel that Mary Herbert is definitely one of the better DL authors to date. Linsha’s character is more evident in this novel than in the other two. We get to see a kind of dark side to her as she fights and kills a rival woman in her hometown of Tamrak.
Return of the Exile
- Dragonlance: Linsha Trilogy, Book 3
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- 01. welcome 8
- 02. Return-Of-The-Exile-Dragonlance-Linsha-3-000 3758.39
- 03. Return-Of-The-Exile-Dragonlance-Linsha-3-001 3764.82
- 04. Return-Of-The-Exile-Dragonlance-Linsha-3-002 3758.7
- 05. Return-Of-The-Exile-Dragonlance-Linsha-3-003 3768.76
- 06. Return-Of-The-Exile-Dragonlance-Linsha-3-004 3756.76
- 07. Return-Of-The-Exile-Dragonlance-Linsha-3-005 3765.66
- 08. Return-Of-The-Exile-Dragonlance-Linsha-3-006 2335.1
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