Beauty and the Werewolf – Audiobook Online
Beauty and the Werewolf is the sixth book in the Tales of the Five Hundred Kingdoms series by author Mercedes Lackey.
The eldest daughter is often doomed in fairy tales. But Bella – Isabella Beauchamps, daughter of a wealthy merchant – vows to escape the usual pitfalls.
Bella put on her red cloak and ventured into the forbidden forest to consult “Granny”, the local sage.
But on her way home, she is attacked by a wolf – who turns out to be a cursed nobleman! Secluded in her castle, Bella is torn between her family and this strange man who makes magical inventions and makes her laugh – when he’s not howling at the moon.
Breaking spells is never easy. But a steadfast beauty, a witch, and a bit of godmother intervention can lead to a happy ending.
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- 01. welcome 8
- 02. Beauty-And-The-Werewolf-Five-Hundred-Kingdoms-6-000 5251.07
- 03. Beauty-And-The-Werewolf-Five-Hundred-Kingdoms-6-001 5257.19
- 04. Beauty-And-The-Werewolf-Five-Hundred-Kingdoms-6-002 5255.16
- 05. Beauty-And-The-Werewolf-Five-Hundred-Kingdoms-6-003 5258.64
- 06. Beauty-And-The-Werewolf-Five-Hundred-Kingdoms-6-004 5257.37
- 07. Beauty-And-The-Werewolf-Five-Hundred-Kingdoms-6-005 5259.12
- 08. Beauty-And-The-Werewolf-Five-Hundred-Kingdoms-6-006 3078.95
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