Dachshund Through the Snow/ An Andy Carpenter Novel, Book 20 – Audiobook Online

Dachshund Through the Snow is the 20th literary fiction book in the An Andy Carpenter Novel series by author David Rosenfelt.
This Christmas, attorney Andy Carpenter and his golden retriever Tara, can’t refuse to help young Danny and his dog Murphy.

Attorney Andy Carpenter and his wife, Laurie, have started a new Christmas tradition. Their local pet store has a Christmas tree where instead of decorations are wishes from people in need. Danny asked Santa for a coat for his mother, a sweater for his dog, Murphy, and to bring his missing father back safely.

Danny’s father doesn’t want to be found, he’s on the run after being arrested for a murder that happened 14 years ago – a murder for which Danny’s mother swears he’s not guilty.

A police officer and his K-9 partner, Simon – Rosenfelt never fails when Andy and his eccentric crew rush to reunite a family just in time for Christmas.

  • Dachshund Through the Snow

  • An Andy Carpenter Mystery
  • By: David Rosenfelt


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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Dachshund Through the Snow (Andy Carpenter 20)_01 3453.66
  • 03. Dachshund Through the Snow (Andy Carpenter 20)_02 3453.66
  • 04. Dachshund Through the Snow (Andy Carpenter 20)_03 3453.66
  • 05. Dachshund Through the Snow (Andy Carpenter 20)_04 3453.66
  • 06. Dachshund Through the Snow (Andy Carpenter 20)_05 3453.66
  • 07. Dachshund Through the Snow (Andy Carpenter 20)_06 3453.66
  • 08. Dachshund Through the Snow (Andy Carpenter 20)_07 3453.19


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