Delayed Rays of a Star A Novel – Audiobook Online

Delayed Rays of a Star is a novel by author Amanda Lee Koe.

Meeting by chance at a Berlin soirée in 1928, photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt captured three women: German up-and-coming actress Marlene Dietrich, who would enter Hollywood as one of the enduring icons of it; Anna May Wong, the world’s first Chinese-American star, plays several parts while dreaming of escaping her father’s humble laundry closet; and Leni Riefenstahl, whose work as a propaganda art film director would first make her famous.

From Weimar Berlin to LA’s Chinatown, from a crowded village in the Bavarian Alps to a luxury apartment on the Champs-Élysées. The different contexts in which they live are as richly textured as the roles they play: siren, victim, predator or lover, each with a carefully calibrated performance.

A Chinese immigrant domestic worker, a German soldier on leave from North Africa, a flamboyant Hollywood director – whose voices and perspectives reveal the legacy each woman left in her time. her great, as well as ours.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Delayed-Rays-Of-A-Star-000 5384.75
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  • 09. Delayed-Rays-Of-A-Star-007 5384.72
  • 10. Delayed-Rays-Of-A-Star-008 5384.75
  • 11. Delayed-Rays-Of-A-Star-009 3962.08


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