Envy By: Sandra Brown – Audiobook Online

Envy is a literary fiction book by author Sandra Brown.
This novel begins when Maris Matherly-Reed receives a new manuscript for her to evaluate. She is a famous editor and owner of a very famous publishing house in NYC. She has a great relationship with her father, who opened the publishing house decades ago. She is married to Noah Reed, a famous writer who also works for a publishing company.

A trip to Georgia to meet the mysterious author takes her to a desolate, eerie cotton plantation.
Maris finds Parker Evans, a confined man in a wheelchair who has carefully concealed his past. Maris is drawn into his story of two friends renting boats with a young woman for a night of sex and drinking. Only one will return from that trip.

Confused about her sexual attraction to Parker and worried about her marriage to author and co-publisher Noah Reed, Maris returns to New York, where Parker’s distribution of the latest chapters convinces that they are not novels.


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0.75 Speed
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1.5 Speed
  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Envy-000 5394.77
  • 03. Envy-001 5394.77
  • 04. Envy-002 5394.77
  • 05. Envy-003 5394.72
  • 06. Envy-004 5394.77
  • 07. Envy-005 5394.77
  • 08. Envy-006 5394.77
  • 09. Envy-007 5394.72
  • 10. Envy-008 4908.26


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