Heaven’s Prisoners/ Dave Robicheaux, Book 2 – Online Free

Heaven’s Prisoners is the second mystery novel in the Dave Robicheaux series by author James Lee Burke.
Dave Robicheaux is trying to leave behind a life of violence and crime and murder to run a boat rental business in Louisiana’s bay. While fishing in the Gulf with his wife Annie, he witnesses an event that will change his life forever.

A small twin-engine plane suddenly plunged into the sea and Robicheaux plunged into the wreckage to find four bodies and one survivor. A little girl is miraculously trapped in a pocket of air. When authorities confirmed that only three bodies had been recovered from the plane, Robicheaux decided to investigate the mystery of the missing man.

There is an unmistakable similarity between Burke’s Robicheaux and John D. Macdonald’s Travis McGee. Trade Louisiana for Florida, and New Iberia for Fort Lauderdale, and both characters sow violence, right and wrong, while appreciating the loss of their world as time ticks by around them. The similarities between the characters are uncanny.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Heaven's Prisoners (Dave Robicheaux 2)_01 4462.98
  • 03. Heaven's Prisoners (Dave Robicheaux 2)_02 4462.98
  • 04. Heaven's Prisoners (Dave Robicheaux 2)_03 4462.98
  • 05. Heaven's Prisoners (Dave Robicheaux 2)_04 4462.98
  • 06. Heaven's Prisoners (Dave Robicheaux 2)_05 4462.98
  • 07. Heaven's Prisoners (Dave Robicheaux 2)_06 4462.98
  • 08. Heaven's Prisoners (Dave Robicheaux 2)_07 4462.98
  • 09. Heaven's Prisoners (Dave Robicheaux 2)_08 4462.98
  • 10. Heaven's Prisoners (Dave Robicheaux 2)_09 4462.98


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