I Have Something to Tell You – Online Free

I Have Something to Tell You is a book by author Chasten Buttigieg.
The heartwarming, hopeful, and frankly refreshing new memoir of the husband of former Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg tells the story of his small Midwestern-town gay growing up, relationship his with Pete and his hopes for America’s future.

Teacher Chasten Glezman Buttigieg has emerged on the national stage, leaving her classroom in South Bend, Indiana, to travel cross-country in support of her husband, former mayor Pete Buttigieg, and his campaign for general Pete’s breakthrough system. The public got a behind-the-scenes look at his life with Pete on the trail – moments that can range from casual to surprising but always heartfelt.

Chasten has overcome countless obstacles to get here. He recounts his journey of finding acceptance as a gay man. He recalls growing up in rural Michigan, where he knew he was different, where he truly felt different from his father and brothers. He recounts his apparition and how he was healed as he revealed his secret to family, friends, community, and the world. And he tells the story of meeting his boyfriend, whom he will marry and who will eventually become a major Democratic leader.

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