It’s Your Ship – Audiobook Online

It’s Your Ship is an economic book by author D. Michael Abrashoff.
The story of Captain D. Michael Abrashoff and his commanding officer USS Benfold has become legendary inside and outside the Navy..
Abrashoff offers this fascinating story of top-down change for anyone trying to navigate in today’s uncertain business waters. When Captain Abrashoff took command of the Benfold, a ship equipped with all the most advanced systems available, it felt like a business with all the latest technology but only some productivity.

He realized that he had to improve his own leadership skills before he could improve his ship. Within a few months, he had created a team of confident and inspired problem solvers who were willing to take the initiative and take responsibility for their actions. Benfold soon became widely recognized as a model of naval efficiency. How did Abrashoff do it?
See the ship through the eyes of the crew: By soliciting suggestions from sailors, Abrashoff has dramatically reduced tedious tasks with little added value.

After learning that many sailors wanted to use the GI Bill, Abrashoff brought an examination official on board – and administered the SATs 40 miles off the coast of Iraq.
From achieving incredible cost savings to earning top marks in the Pacific Fleet, Captain Abrashoff’s extraordinary campaign sent shockwaves throughout the United States Navy.

  • It’s Your Ship

  • Management Techniques from the Best Damn Ship in the Navy
  • By: D. Michael Abrashoff

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