Killing Commendatore – Online Free Audiobook

In Killing Commendatore, a portrait painter in his thirties in Tokyo is abandoned by his wife and finds himself hiding in the mountain house of a famous painter, Tomohiko Amada. He discovers a never-before-seen painting in the attic, which he inadvertently opens up a mysterious episode. He must complete a journey that involves a mysterious bell, a two-foot-tall physical manifestation of an Idea, a dashing businessman who lives across the valley, a precocious thirteen-year-old girl. development, a Nazi assassination. During World War II in Vienna, a hole in the woods behind the artist’s house and an underworld haunted by the Double Metaphor. Voyages of love and solitude, war and art—and loving homage to The Great Gatsby. Killing Commendatore is a fantastic work of imagination by one of our greatest writers.

The unnamed protagonist is in one of Murakami’s classic ups and downs in his life where everything falls apart but somehow he’s quite financially comfortable and has time to judge. everything again. He gets involved with a suspicious shady guy, and they begin to investigate some mysteries that are slowly unraveling.

That would be great, but sharp parts simply don’t work. In particular, the main character has a lot of extremely annoying conversations with a teenage girl about her breasts, conversations that go on and on for about 400 pages.

I appreciate the quiz written here. Murakami takes five or six moving pieces and stitches them together, creating subtle progressions.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Killing-Commendatore-Kishidancho-Goroshi-1-2-000 5394.77
  • 03. Killing-Commendatore-Kishidancho-Goroshi-1-2-001 5394.77
  • 04. Killing-Commendatore-Kishidancho-Goroshi-1-2-002 5394.77
  • 05. Killing-Commendatore-Kishidancho-Goroshi-1-2-003 5394.72
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  • 09. Killing-Commendatore-Kishidancho-Goroshi-1-2-007 5394.72
  • 10. Killing-Commendatore-Kishidancho-Goroshi-1-2-008 5394.77
  • 11. Killing-Commendatore-Kishidancho-Goroshi-1-2-009 5394.77
  • 12. Killing-Commendatore-Kishidancho-Goroshi-1-2-010 5394.77
  • 13. Killing-Commendatore-Kishidancho-Goroshi-1-2-011 5394.72
  • 14. Killing-Commendatore-Kishidancho-Goroshi-1-2-012 5394.77
  • 15. Killing-Commendatore-Kishidancho-Goroshi-1-2-013 5394.77
  • 16. Killing-Commendatore-Kishidancho-Goroshi-1-2-014 5394.62
  • 17. Killing-Commendatore-Kishidancho-Goroshi-1-2-015 5394.72
  • 18. Killing-Commendatore-Kishidancho-Goroshi-1-2-016 5394.77
  • 19. Killing-Commendatore-Kishidancho-Goroshi-1-2-017 5394.77
  • 20. Killing-Commendatore-Kishidancho-Goroshi-1-2-018 5265.87


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