Orphan Star/ A Pip & Flinx Adventure – Online Free
Orphan Star is a science fiction book by author Alan Dean Foster.
A man in the Universe holds the mysterious key to the Flinx’s past – and that man is trying to kill him!
A strange childhood for a child, adopted by the restless Mother Mastiff and raised in the current market of Drallar. Flinx never knew his parents abandoned him years ago. In fact, his birth has always been shrouded in mystery. Flinx eventually discovers that his unnamed parents have left him a strange legacy – extraordinary mental strength that is both a magical gift and a terrifying curse.
This double-edged legacy will lead the Flinx, along with his loyal guardian, the little dragon Pip, in an arduous quest for the truth. . . about who he is and where he comes from. A daring adventure transports him to another world – and falls into the clutches of one of the most evil and powerful in the galaxy.
This is another great book in the series. I’ve read them in the order of publication so far, not the order specified by Amazon, but that won’t matter anymore after reading “For Love of Mother Not” next. Anyway, I like this part of the story, except for one thing, it’s technically not part of the story. As I’ve said in many other books I’ve read on Kindle, I don’t like the fact that his book doesn’t have a chapter delimitation at the bottom of the screen.
It’s much easier to read by chapter boundaries to find a break than to have to wait until the end of a chapter when you don’t know how long the chapter will last. For anyone who loved the previous books, read them in order of publication or not, this is a good read and I highly recommend it. You won’t be disappointed if you like the others.
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- 01. welcome 8
- 02. Orphan Star (Pip and Flinx 03)_01 4608.38
- 03. Orphan Star (Pip and Flinx 03)_02 4608.38
- 04. Orphan Star (Pip and Flinx 03)_03 4608.38
- 05. Orphan Star (Pip and Flinx 03)_04 4608.38
- 06. Orphan Star (Pip and Flinx 03)_05 4608.38
- 07. Orphan Star (Pip and Flinx 03)_06 4584.82
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