Princess A Private Novel

Princess A Private Novel is the 14th novel in the Private series by famous author James Patterson, Rees Jones. Jack Morgan received an offer he couldn’t refuse. The head of the world’s top investigative agency accepts an invitation to meet Princess Caroline. A friend of Princess Sophie Edwards is missing, she needs to find this best friend before the media knows.

Here are the top 3 reviews and comments that readers love about this fascinating book.

Review 1: Princess A Private Novel audiobook by A Barrow

Narration isn’t up to Audible’s standard.

Mr Mace has a penchant for raising and lowering his voice. Perhaps if I was sitting still with a speaker attached to my device I would have heard all of the words. However, I use Audible in the car, doctor waiting rooms, on commutes to work. Mace’s lowered voice is seriously detracting from the novel.

Review 2: Princess A Private Novel audiobook by Virginia E. Demarce

I kept thinking I should give it at least two stars, because at least it has standard grammar, vocabulary, and punctuation, appropriately used. However … not. The first third had a reasonably good plot. Then it all swirled down the toilet with the “hero’s girl is the redshirt” meme, and ended up with a lot of graphic violence.

Review 3: Princess A Private Novel audiobook by Prescott, AZ

I always finish Patterson books but this was so boring I couldn’t. Half way, too many extraneous unnecessary details. NOT a page turner. I knew what was motivating Jack and it had action but without enough relevancy. A gun fight just to write a gun fight. I believe this is a new co-writer, not Mark Sullivan. Don’t waste your money. I had felt Private line going downhill…it hit bottom.

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