Reefs and Shoals/ Alan Lewrie Series, Book 18 – Free Full Audiobook
Reefs and Shoals is the 18th novel in the Alan Lewrie series by author Dewey Lambdin.
Poor Captain Alan Lewrie, Royal Navy! He had been gagged for weeks in Portsmouth, snuggled into a warm bed on the beach with the lovely and lovely Lydia Stangbourne, the daughter of a Viscount, and began to enjoy his idle pleasures. , when the Navy Department tore Lewrie apart and ordered him to go to the Bahamas, into the teeth of fierce winter storms. It’s enough to make a rioter such as him cry and kick things!
At the very least, his new command allowed Lewrie to form a small squadron of ships he could dredge in Bermuda and New Providence and hang his first wide pendant, even if it was smaller version, and styled himself a Good.
Lewrie will scour the coasts of Spain’s Cuba and Florida, the Keys and the Florida Straits in search of French and Spanish private companies that are capturing British merchants with astonishing speed, and appeals to US neutral ports determine whether private companies receive aid. comfort from that quarter. Lewrie will be the “Diplomat”. Diplomatic? Lewrie? No bloody ability!
To solve problems and find answers will put Lewrie in touch with old friends, old enemies, and more frustration than a dog with fleas. As always, however, Captain Alan Lewrie will find his own unique way to complete his mission, and in the process, find joy in his own irresistible way!
Reefs and Shoals is the eighteenth installment in Dewey Lambdin’s series of historical naval novels about his delightful and unique hero, Alan Lewrie.
This story begins in 1805, with Lewrie comfortably sleeping with Lady Lydia Stangbourne, his latest romantic interest, leaving him wondering who will be a sailor when the cold January wind blows outside and a bedmate warm and ready to lie inside; definitely not him. But as their mutual attraction fills Lewrie’s head with thoughts of uninhibited sexual adventures, Lady Lydia begins to hint at a more permanent attachment, scaring Lewrie to the point of don’t trust his fart. Fortunately, orders came from the Department of the Navy, allowing him to say goodbye reluctantly and glide across the horizon, safe for another day.
Reefs and Shoals
- Alan Lewrie Series, Book 18
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- 01. welcome 8
- 02. Reefs and Shoals (Alan Lewrie 18)_01 5182.09
- 03. Reefs and Shoals (Alan Lewrie 18)_02 5182.09
- 04. Reefs and Shoals (Alan Lewrie 18)_03 5182.09
- 05. Reefs and Shoals (Alan Lewrie 18)_04 5182.09
- 06. Reefs and Shoals (Alan Lewrie 18)_05 5182.09
- 07. Reefs and Shoals (Alan Lewrie 18)_06 5182.09
- 08. Reefs and Shoals (Alan Lewrie 18)_07 5182.09
- 09. Reefs and Shoals (Alan Lewrie 18)_08 5182.09
- 10. Reefs and Shoals (Alan Lewrie 18)_09 5181.78
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