Reunion in Death – Audiobook Online

At exactly 7:30 p.m., Walter Pettibone arrived home to the shouts of more than a hundred friends and family, “surprise!” It was his birthday. Although he had known about the planned event for weeks, the real surprise was yet to come. At 8:45 p.m., a woman with emerald eyes and red hair offered him a glass of champagne. One bubbly birthday sip, and he was dead.

The woman’s name is Julie Dockport. No one in the party knew who she was. But Detective Eve Dallas remembers her very well. Eve is personally responsible for her detention nearly ten years ago. And now, despite her good behavior, she still has nothing but bad intentions. It seems she wants to see Dallas again – in a reunion that will never be forgotten…

Nora Roberts (written as JD Robb) once again offers a realistic sense of what the future might hold while drawing the reader into a gripping detective story. Flying cars, pedestrians gliding instead of sidewalks, and cravings for a “pipe of pepsi” or a meal from an “auto chef” are all seamlessly integrated into the story. Like the best police counterparts, the narrator also does a great job of allowing the reader to imagine each character. She is one of the few storytellers for whom I am a member of the team and will listen to any story she presents. I’m glad she’s always reading this series.


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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. 14 - JD Robb - In Death - Reunion in Death 2002_01 4541.04
  • 03. 14 - JD Robb - In Death - Reunion in Death 2002_02 4541.04
  • 04. 14 - JD Robb - In Death - Reunion in Death 2002_03 4541.04
  • 05. 14 - JD Robb - In Death - Reunion in Death 2002_04 4541.04
  • 06. 14 - JD Robb - In Death - Reunion in Death 2002_05 4541.04
  • 07. 14 - JD Robb - In Death - Reunion in Death 2002_06 4541.04
  • 08. 14 - JD Robb - In Death - Reunion in Death 2002_07 4541.04
  • 09. 14 - JD Robb - In Death - Reunion in Death 2002_08 4541.04
  • 10. 14 - JD Robb - In Death - Reunion in Death 2002_09 4535.79


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