Spilled Milk Based on a True Story – Free Full Audiobook

Spilled Milk is a literary fiction book by author K. L. Randis.
Spilled Milk is a narrative novel of shock, triumph, and resilience.
Brooke Nolan was an abused child who made an anonymous phone call about atrocities in her home.

Social services jeopardize her safety, accusing her of keeping her father a secret, it’s the spilled milk glass on the dinner table that forces her to speak out about the cruelty she’s committed. he is hiding. In her pursuit of safety and justice, Brooke battles a broken system that keeps her father indoors.

Jury members and a lover rally to inspire her to fight, she risks losing her family’s support and realizing that some simply don’t want to be. rescue.

Being a survivor myself, I saw her say things that really matched how I felt. There are actually thoughts or feelings that are exactly the same as I had and it feels bizarre to me. A very strong feeling of “Wow! It’s not just me.”
I believe she had a horrible childhood and had real struggles and experiences, but I really wish the book would be completely realistic. While embellishment makes it interesting, it’s harder to feel the real connection when you’re not sure what’s a lie or what’s the truth. Also, sometimes it’s downright confusing or confusing. There are a few times when she’s just casually saying something happened long after the fact or simply hinting at it happening, but it’s nowhere in the book. It’s like saying people keep coming to her at school to share their stories. Or people who make rude comments. Or the fact that she kept a diary when she was growing up, but nowhere in the story does it say that she published everything as a child.

I was overwhelmed with emotions while reading this book. I can hardly put it down. My heart aches for this girl and her dysfunctional family. The trauma she had to go through just to survive is a contradiction to most people, but we learn that we all deal with things differently.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Spilled Milk_01 3480.04
  • 03. Spilled Milk_02 3480.04
  • 04. Spilled Milk_03 3480.04
  • 05. Spilled Milk_04 3480.04
  • 06. Spilled Milk_05 3480.04
  • 07. Spilled Milk_06 3480.04
  • 08. Spilled Milk_07 3480.04
  • 09. Spilled Milk_08 3479.94


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