A King to Be Protected – Audiobook Online

A King to Be Protected – Audiobook Online, Our King, Our Master Series, Book 2 by Author Brea Alepoú.

Some of the best comments for this Audiobook : ” Oh Titus, how I love you
Please CANT to wait for the next books in the series!! Must let John solo !! He is my favorite storyteller! Not sure about the others but his voice suits me. I love the relationship the keepers are building with their king and with each other.

Narrator John Solo has delivered an extraordinary new shifter series filled with magical supernatural beings. His sheer and profound immersion into different characters ensures a unique ride that listeners will remember for a long time. The perfect rhythm of his voice, the dramatization, anger and tension in his voice created an experience where I just wanted to go vroom-vroom with the characters. The wonders and magic of creatures like the Griffin Owl, Manticore-wolf, and the Phoenix had me riding shotgun in awe of the strange mystical world.

Skinny Seth is weak and useless until his keepers begin to feel drawn towards him and one by one appears to give him strength. In return, he feeds them and this makes Seth and his keepers stronger.

Sounds fun!”

A King to Be Protected

  • Our King, Our Master Series, Book 2
  • By: Brea Alepoú
  • Narrated by: John Solo
  • Length: 6 hrs and 9 mins
  • Categories: Romance
  • #Audiobookfree #OnlineAudiobook #FreeAudiobook
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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. A-King-To-Be-Protected-Our-King-Our-Master-2-000 5384.75
  • 03. A-King-To-Be-Protected-Our-King-Our-Master-2-001 5384.75
  • 04. A-King-To-Be-Protected-Our-King-Our-Master-2-002 5384.75
  • 05. A-King-To-Be-Protected-Our-King-Our-Master-2-003 5384.72
  • 06. A-King-To-Be-Protected-Our-King-Our-Master-2-004 590.313


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