Beautiful Beloved – Audiobook Online

Beautiful Beloved is a beautiful book in the Beautiful Bastard series by author Christina Lauren.
In Beautiful Stranger, financier Sara Dillon meets the irresistibly charming Brit Max Stella at a club in New York City. Through the series, we’ve watched them learn to balance their commitment to their less-private brand of fun.

In Beautiful Love, Max and Sara move on to the next step. But the question is: Can they find a balance between the wild love they’re not ready to retire from and the demands of parenthood that come with their newfound joy? Motherhood: It’s not for the faint of heart.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Beautiful-Beloved-Beautiful-Bastard-3-6-000 5394.77
  • 03. Beautiful-Beloved-Beautiful-Bastard-3-6-001 4782.99


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