Beautiful Bitch – Audiobook Online

Beautiful Bitch is a beautiful book by author Christina Lauren.
Chloe Mills and Bennett Ryan continue their steamy, suspenseful relationship.

Just as Chloe’s career begins to take off, Bennett wishes things would slow down long enough to spend a wild night alone with his girlfriend.
After he refuses to give an answer, Chloe and Bennett find themselves with two plane tickets, a French villa, and a surprising, predictable conversation that leaves them struggling with together.

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0.75 Speed
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1.25 Speed
1.5 Speed
  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Beautiful-Bitch-Beautiful-Bastard-1-5-000 5252.77
  • 03. Beautiful-Bitch-Beautiful-Bastard-1-5-001 5254.82
  • 04. Beautiful-Bitch-Beautiful-Bastard-1-5-002 1547.74


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