Bland Fanatics – audiobook online

Bland Fanatics is a good book by the author Pankaj Mishra.
In the US and in Britain, domestic economies in recession and failed wars abroad created a political and intellectual hysteria.

In Bland Fanatics, Pankaj Mishra examines the politics and culture of this hysteria, challenging the dominant grassroots discourses of our time. In essays revolving around the meaning and content of Anglo-American liberalism and its relations to colonialism, the Global South, Islam, and “humanitarian” warfare, Mishra confronts with writers like Jordan Peterson, Niall Ferguson and Salman Rushdie. He explores the commitments of Ta-Nehisi Coates and the ideological decisions of The Economist. These essays provide a vantage point from which to understand the current crisis.

  • Bland Fanatics

  • Liberals, the West, and the Afterlives of Empire
  • By: Pankaj Mishra

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Bland-Fanatics-Liberals-The-West-And-The-Afterlives-Of-Empire-000 5384.75
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  • 06. Bland-Fanatics-Liberals-The-West-And-The-Afterlives-Of-Empire-004 5384.75
  • 07. Bland-Fanatics-Liberals-The-West-And-The-Afterlives-Of-Empire-005 1229.93


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