Bury the Lead – Audiobook Online
Bury the Lead is the third mystery novel in the An Andy Carpenter Novel series by author David Rosenfelt.
Northern New Jersey has a new local hero on its cultural crime scene. He was Andy Carpenter, Paterson’s defense attorney, who was able to get through as quickly as possible past a snarling prosecutor. The intrepid lawyer is brought into the spotlight, where he risks becoming a media victim… of the most dangerous kind.
His record in the acquitted murder case made him frequent appearances on cable talk shows. His recent $22 million inheritance bought him a dog rescue operation named Tara Foundation after his beloved golden retriever. However, after denying cases left and right, Andy Carpenter thinks he’s facing a midlife crisis.
When a friend, a newspaper owner, called and asked him to protect his star reporter, Andy was less emotional. His new client is Daniel Cummings, a journalist who is being used as a mouthpiece by a brutal serial killer.
Bury the Lead
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- 01. welcome 8
- 02. Bury the Lead (!Andy Carpenter 3)_01 3529.42
- 03. Bury the Lead (!Andy Carpenter 3)_02 3529.42
- 04. Bury the Lead (!Andy Carpenter 3)_03 3529.42
- 05. Bury the Lead (!Andy Carpenter 3)_04 3529.42
- 06. Bury the Lead (!Andy Carpenter 3)_05 3529.42
- 07. Bury the Lead (!Andy Carpenter 3)_06 3529.37
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