Call the Midwife: Farewell to the East End – Audiobook Online

Call the Midwife: Farewell to the East End is the third book in the Call the Midwife series by author Jennifer Worth.
When 22-year-old Jennifer Worth, from a comfortable upbringing middle-class family, went to work as a midwife in the poorest part of post-war London. Not only has she delivered hundreds of babies and touched many lives, but she’s also become the neighborhood’s liveliest character.

Call the Midwife: Farewell to the East End is the final book in Worth’s trilogy of memoirs, a powerful story with sweet charm and controlled outrage in the face of dire circumstances.

This is the full story of Chummy’s exciting courtship and wedding. We also meet Megan’mave, identical twins who share a brown-haired husband, and go back to Sister Monica Joan, who has a top eccentric body. It follows the vividly portrayed residents of a post-war East End facing the challenges of extreme poverty — unsanitary conditions, hunger, and disease — and finding surprising ways nature to thrive in their close-knit communities.

  • Call the Midwife: Farewell to the East End

  • Book 3
  • By: Jennifer Worth

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Farewell-to-the-East-End-The-Last-Days-of-the-East-End-Midwives-The-Midwife-Trilogy-3-000 3670.23
  • 03. Farewell-to-the-East-End-The-Last-Days-of-the-East-End-Midwives-The-Midwife-Trilogy-3-001 3666.26
  • 04. Farewell-to-the-East-End-The-Last-Days-of-the-East-End-Midwives-The-Midwife-Trilogy-3-002 3653.4
  • 05. Farewell-to-the-East-End-The-Last-Days-of-the-East-End-Midwives-The-Midwife-Trilogy-3-003 3646.74
  • 06. Farewell-to-the-East-End-The-Last-Days-of-the-East-End-Midwives-The-Midwife-Trilogy-3-004 3661.53
  • 07. Farewell-to-the-East-End-The-Last-Days-of-the-East-End-Midwives-The-Midwife-Trilogy-3-005 3666.82
  • 08. Farewell-to-the-East-End-The-Last-Days-of-the-East-End-Midwives-The-Midwife-Trilogy-3-006 3654.46
  • 09. Farewell-to-the-East-End-The-Last-Days-of-the-East-End-Midwives-The-Midwife-Trilogy-3-007 809.88


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