Cat’s Eye – Audiobook Online

Cat’s Eye is a literary fiction book by author Margaret Atwood. New York Times bestselling author.
Cat’s Eye is the story of Elaine Risley, a controversial painter, who returns to Toronto, the city of her youth, to reminisce about her art. She reminisces about the trio of girls that brought her into the fierce politics of childhood and the secret world of friendship, longing, and betrayal.

Elaine must confront her own identity as a daughter, a lover, an artist and a woman – but above all, she must find relief from her haunting memories. me.
Cat’s Eye is a breathtaking novel about a woman struggling with the tangled knots of her life.

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0.75 Speed
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1.25 Speed
1.5 Speed
  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Cats-Eye-000 5394.77
  • 03. Cats-Eye-001 5394.68
  • 04. Cats-Eye-002 5394.77
  • 05. Cats-Eye-003 5394.72
  • 06. Cats-Eye-004 5394.77
  • 07. Cats-Eye-005 5394.77
  • 08. Cats-Eye-006 5394.61
  • 09. Cats-Eye-007 5394.72
  • 10. Cats-Eye-008 5394.77
  • 11. Cats-Eye-009 5394.77
  • 12. Cats-Eye-010 5394.77
  • 13. Cats-Eye-011 110.914


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