Cream Puff Murder/ Hannah Swensen, Book 11 – Audiobook Online

Cream Puff Murder is the 11th mystery novel in the Hannah Swensen series by Joanne Fluke.

Hannah runs the Cookie Jar bakery in Lake Eden, Minnesota, and she loves trying out her creations – who doesn’t? When she went with her sister to try on dresses to wear to their mother’s book signing and she was just too tight. So Hannah decided to lose weight and ended up joining the local gym though. pretty sure after the first rehearsal that she will die.
Everyone is a suspect though including members of the police and Hannah must work even harder to solve the mystery.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Cream Puff Murder (Hannah Swensen 11)_01 3898.3
  • 03. Cream Puff Murder (Hannah Swensen 11)_02 3898.3
  • 04. Cream Puff Murder (Hannah Swensen 11)_03 3898.3
  • 05. Cream Puff Murder (Hannah Swensen 11)_04 3898.3
  • 06. Cream Puff Murder (Hannah Swensen 11)_05 3898.3
  • 07. Cream Puff Murder (Hannah Swensen 11)_06 3898.3
  • 08. Cream Puff Murder (Hannah Swensen 11)_07 3898.3
  • 09. Cream Puff Murder (Hannah Swensen 11)_08 3898.3
  • 10. Cream Puff Murder (Hannah Swensen 11)_09 3898.25


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