Crew/ Crew, Book 1 – Audiobook Online

Crew is the first book in the Crew series by Tijan.
Crew is the story of Bren Monroe, the only girl in the entire crew system, and her crewmate, Wolf Crew. They always support each other in anything, they can trust each other and never question each other’s loyalty to the crew.

The crew system in the town of Rousseau was instrumental in running it, set up by Bren’s brother Channing while he was still in high school.
This world that Tijan has created, in close association with my beloved Fallen Crest, with guests from Heather and Channing, has further solidified this series as another favorite of this author!

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Audiobookss audio player

Hi everyone, please be noticed that the Audio player doesn't play next track on IOS version < 15.6. If you are facing that issue, just upgrade your IOS to version 15.6 to fix it. Enjoy!

0.75 Speed
Normal Speed
1.25 Speed
1.5 Speed
  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Crew-Crew-1-000 3578.1
  • 03. Crew-Crew-1-001 3604.26
  • 04. Crew-Crew-1-002 3608.71
  • 05. Crew-Crew-1-003 3583.65
  • 06. Crew-Crew-1-004 3602.75
  • 07. Crew-Crew-1-005 3599.19
  • 08. Crew-Crew-1-006 3574.24
  • 09. Crew-Crew-1-007 2471.23


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