Dating You/Hating You – Audiobook Online

Dating You/Hating You is a novel by author Christina Lauren. This is a hard-hitting romantic comedy that delves into the suspense and doubts of modern love.
Despite the odds against them from an embarrassingly awkward encounter at a mutual friend’s Halloween party, Carter and Evie instantly beat it. They were all highly capable agents at competing Hollywood companies that weren’t enough to put out the flames.

But when their two bodies merge – leaving the pair competing for the same spot – all bets are off. What could have been a beautiful blossoming love affair turned into an all-out war of destruction.

Can Carter stop trying to please everyone and see how their common boss is actually playing the game? Can Evie put her competitive nature aside long enough to figure out what she really wants in life?

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0.75 Speed
Normal Speed
1.25 Speed
1.5 Speed
  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Dating-You-Hating-You-000 5394.77
  • 03. Dating-You-Hating-You-001 5394.77
  • 04. Dating-You-Hating-You-002 5394.77
  • 05. Dating-You-Hating-You-003 5394.72
  • 06. Dating-You-Hating-You-004 5394.77
  • 07. Dating-You-Hating-You-005 5394.77
  • 08. Dating-You-Hating-You-006 2404.16


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