Everything Happens for a Reason – Audiobook Online

Everything Happens for a Reason is a great book by author Kate Bowler.
The book was a bestseller in the New York Times.
Kate Bowler is a professor at Duke Divinity School with a modest Christian upbringing. She specializes in the prosperity gospel, a creed that sees good fortune as a blessing from God and unhappiness as a sign of God’s disapproval. At the age of 35; She is succeeding at her job, married to her high school sweetheart, and loving life with her newborn son.

She was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer.

The prospect of her own death forces Kate to realize that she has tacitly embraced the prosperity gospel, living with the belief that she can control the shape of her life.
Even if Kate kind of sick is very sick, and no amount of positive thinking can shrink her tumors. What does it mean to die, she wondered, in a society that insists everything happens for a reason? Kate is stripped of this certainty only to discover that without it, life is hard but beautiful in a way it never has been before.
Everything Happens for a Reason tells her story, offering her irreverent, hard-won observations about death and how it has taught her to live.

  • Everything Happens for a Reason

  • And Other Lies I’ve Loved
  • By: Kate Bowler

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