Families and Other Enemies Cape Charade – Audiobook Online

Families and Other Enemies is a literary fiction book in the Cape Charade series by author Christina Dodd.
I still don’t remember, I know what happened now. I had a baby, and that changed everything.

Kellen Adams fights battles, saves lives, and earns the respect of colleagues and the love of friends. Can she now win the biggest challenge of her life — her family?

Family and Other Enemies is a new short story by Kellen Adams.

With a synopsis of Kellen/Ceecee’s past, a trip to Las Vegas to see Aunt Cora, followed by a stay in Virtue Falls, Washington, a brief look at her future is found in the novel. this theory, when she mustered up the courage to face it.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Families-And-Other-Enemies-Cape-Charade-1-5-000 5384.75
  • 03. Families-And-Other-Enemies-Cape-Charade-1-5-001 2674.38


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