Fathoms The World in the Whale – Audiobook Online

Fathoms The World in the Whale is the author’s social science book By Rebecca Giggs.

A poignant, haunting debut of the awe-inspiring lives of whales, reveals what they can teach us about ourselves, our planet and our relationship with other species.

When writer Rebecca Giggs came across a stranded humpback whale on her local beach in Australia. She began to wonder how the lives of the whales reflected the state of our oceans. A work that combines natural history, philosophy and science to explore: How do whales experience ecological change? How has whale culture been understood and changed by human technology? What can whale watching teach us about the complexity, splendor and fragility of life on Earth?

In Fathoms, we learn about whales so rare they have never been named, whale songs crisscross the hemispheres in the annual wave of popularity, and whales have changed their chemical composition. of our planet’s atmosphere. We travel to Japan to board whaling ships and delve into the deepest seas to discover how plastic pollution pervades our earth’s undersea environment.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Fathoms-The-World-In-The-Whale-000 5384.75
  • 03. Fathoms-The-World-In-The-Whale-001 5384.75
  • 04. Fathoms-The-World-In-The-Whale-002 5384.75
  • 05. Fathoms-The-World-In-The-Whale-003 5384.72
  • 06. Fathoms-The-World-In-The-Whale-004 5384.75
  • 07. Fathoms-The-World-In-The-Whale-005 5384.75
  • 08. Fathoms-The-World-In-The-Whale-006 5384.75
  • 09. Fathoms-The-World-In-The-Whale-007 5384.72
  • 10. Fathoms-The-World-In-The-Whale-008 304.113


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