Fever/ Chemical Garden, Book 2 – Audiobook Online

Fever is the second book in the Chemical Garden series by author Lauren DeStefano.
Lauren DeStefano’s Wither has been called a “thought-provoking debut reminiscent of The Handmaid’s Tale” by Kirkus Reviews. Fever, continues the story of 16-year-old Rhine – set in a dystopian future in which men and women die at the age of 25, and young girls are sold for marriage to keep the population growing.

Rhine eventually got out of her marriage. What hope can the outside world offer as death draws ever closer?
Wither is not my all-time favorite scientist. Actually, I had some major issues with it, but it’s still a unique and interesting book and I’d definitely like to know what happened to Rhine and Gabriel after they escaped from the mansion. Fever promises to be a completely different genre of stories. Rhine shies away from the glamorous luxury and danger of the mansion and now we’ll see more of the cruel, dangerous real world, as she hunts down her twin, Rowan.

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0.75 Speed
Normal Speed
1.25 Speed
1.5 Speed
  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Fever-The-Chemical-Garden-2-000 5260.26
  • 03. Fever-The-Chemical-Garden-2-001 5257.69
  • 04. Fever-The-Chemical-Garden-2-002 5260.19
  • 05. Fever-The-Chemical-Garden-2-003 5256.93
  • 06. Fever-The-Chemical-Garden-2-004 5252.32
  • 07. Fever-The-Chemical-Garden-2-005 5257.56
  • 08. Fever-The-Chemical-Garden-2-006 1780.04


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