Frequency The Power of Personal Vibration – Online Free

Frequency is a good book by Penney Peirce.
Science has long taught us to rely on what we can see and touch. We often don’t realize that our minds, thoughts, emotions, and bodies are all made of energy – that everything vibrates. As we step out of the age of technology and into the age of intuition, we understand what it means to be a vibrating being and how nature affects us.

In Frequency, Penney Peirce you learn how to feel your personal vibration and work purposefully with the energy to transform your life. Outwardly conflicting energy, you can still mind and be aware of who you are – your natural frequency – and what you really want to create. By fully understanding the role of energy, you can harness the true power behind the laws of the universe and reap the benefits of the life you’re building.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Frequency-000 5208.04
  • 03. Frequency-001 4594.03


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