Galaxy’s Edge Part VI: Takeover – Audiobook Online
Galaxy’s Edge Part VI: Takeover is the 10th literary fiction book in the Galaxy’s Edge Series series by Jason Anspach and Nick Cole.
Goth Sullus and his empire have fallen.
Legion and the rest of the galaxy are watching from the still smoldering galactic core, Carter. The former legionnaire turned private contractor, and Jack Bowie, a Navy agent with nowhere to turn, signs up to work for a daring private contractor looking to make a statement. about the planet Kublar.
The plan has been in progress since the time of the Savage War, and as the galaxy rushes to fill the void caused by the fall of the Republic Empire, bodies are hitting the floor.
The final, desperate enforcement of Article Nineteen and the looming rebirth of the Legion and the galaxy itself as Galaxy’s Edge: Season Two begins!
Galaxy’s Edge Part VI: Takeover
- Galaxy’s Edge Series, Book 6
Audiobookss audio player
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- 01. welcome 8
- 02. 001 - Galaxy's Edge Part VI Takeover 3527.9
- 03. 002 - Galaxy's Edge Part VI Takeover 3527.9
- 04. 003 - Galaxy's Edge Part VI Takeover 3527.9
- 05. 004 - Galaxy's Edge Part VI Takeover 3527.9
- 06. 005 - Galaxy's Edge Part VI Takeover 3527.9
- 07. 006 - Galaxy's Edge Part VI Takeover 3527.9
- 08. 007 - Galaxy's Edge Part VI Takeover 3527.9
- 09. 008 - Galaxy's Edge Part VI Takeover 3527.7
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