Godless The Church of Liberalism – Online Free Audiobook

Godless The Church of Liberalism is a history book by author Ann Coulter.
Her most vocal book, if we focus solely on the companies’ attacks on our Judeo-Christian system of media, we’ll miss a bigger point: Liberalism is a religion – an atheism. And now it has been tried to make procedure as the state religion of this county.

If a Martian were to set foot in America and officially define the nation’s upbringing, he would have to conclude it was realism, while Christian and Jewish directors were forbidden. Many Americans are offended by the liberal enemy to the religious education system. For liberals, progress is the bedrock between the enlightened and the overnight. But Coulter erroneously reverses the hypothesis that liberals are rationalists guided by methodological and self-directed managers. She exposes the crucial truth about Darwinian progress that theists made from the ground up: It’s science that isn’t real.

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