Greyboy/ Finding Blackness in a White World – Audiobook Online

Greyboy is a social science book by author Cole Brown.
An honest and courageous examination of the meaning of things.
Cole has heard it all before – token, bougie, oreo, Blackish – what we call kids like him. Black kids who grew up in white spaces, live in a place where race and class have come to be suspected by many. Personal anecdotes and interviews with his colleagues, Cole takes us back to his adolescence and explores what it feels like to be young and in search of identity.

He delves into the places where, in his youth, a gray boy’s difference is most profoundly felt: parenting, police brutality, Trumpism, depression and dating, to name a few.
Brown clearly has that ready to write a killer book, he just needs to expand his focus beyond his friends and family.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Greyboy-Finding-Blackness-In-A-White-World-000 5384.75
  • 03. Greyboy-Finding-Blackness-In-A-White-World-001 5384.75
  • 04. Greyboy-Finding-Blackness-In-A-White-World-002 5384.75
  • 05. Greyboy-Finding-Blackness-In-A-White-World-003 5384.72
  • 06. Greyboy-Finding-Blackness-In-A-White-World-004 3239.17


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