Heroes Are My Weakness – Audiobook Online

Heroes Are My Weakness is a novel by author Susan Elizabeth Phillips.
A mysterious house looms over the sea.

He is an imaginative reclusive writer.
She is an underprivileged actress who is reduced to choreographing puppet shows for children. He knows dozens of ways to kill his character with his bare hands. She knows dozens of ways to kill the audience with laughter.

Annie Hewitt arrived on Peregrine Island in the midst of a snowstorm and ran out of resources. She is depressed, but not ready to give up. Her red suitcases contain the puppets she uses for a living: the sensitive Dilly, the nimble Scamp, and Leo, the worst of the bad guys. The romance novel she loves and a little bit of courage is all she has left.

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0.75 Speed
Normal Speed
1.25 Speed
1.5 Speed
  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Heroes-Are-My-Weakness-000 5253.62
  • 03. Heroes-Are-My-Weakness-001 5252.53
  • 04. Heroes-Are-My-Weakness-002 5251.22
  • 05. Heroes-Are-My-Weakness-003 5249.39
  • 06. Heroes-Are-My-Weakness-004 5249.15
  • 07. Heroes-Are-My-Weakness-005 5248.65
  • 08. Heroes-Are-My-Weakness-006 5251.26
  • 09. Heroes-Are-My-Weakness-007 5250.52
  • 10. Heroes-Are-My-Weakness-008 2996.03


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