Hoax – Donald Trump, Fox News, and the Dangerous Distortion of Truth

Hoax is a social science book about Stelter that completes the story of Trump’s years and looks to the future of the network that made him up.
The New York Times bestseller reveals collusion between Fox News and Donald Trump – with explosive new reporting on the election and the January 6 riots.
As the country recovers from Trump’s presidency, many questions remain: Why has the COVID-19 pandemic been so severely mishandled? How did we get such political polarization? What made white nationalist groups come out of the shadows, and are they staying here?

Through live narration from more than 250 current and former Fox insiders, CNN host and chief media correspondent Brian Stelter reveals the inner workings of the multibillion-dollar media empire. by Rupert Murdoch. Shocking Confession: “We don’t really believe in all of this,” says one producer. “We just tell other people to believe it.”

  • Hoax

  • Donald Trump, Fox News, and the Dangerous Distortion of Truth

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