Hope for the Best/ Chronicles of St. Mary’s, Book 10 – Audiobook Online

Hope for the Best is the 10th science fiction book in The Chronicles of St Mary’s series by author Jodi Taylor.
The beautiful book follows a group of disaster magnets steeped in tea as they make their way through History.

Max is no stranger to solving problems on his own. She has a great idea. That means breaking some rules, but – as Max always says – they’re not her rules. Time Police to join the hunt for the traitor Clive Ronan, Max is a long way from St Mary’s. But future life has its pluses – although not for long.

The problem with the Map of Time shows the chaos of the 16th century and the wrong place of a Tudor queen. History has turned rogue, there’s a St Mary’s team right in the middle of bullets and Max has to step up.
But plan for the worst.

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