I, Robot To Protect – Audiobook Online

I, Robot To Protect is the first literary fiction book in the Isaac Asimov’s I, Robot series by author Mickey Zucker Reichert.
I, Robot: To Protect – the first in a trilogy inspired by Isaac Asimov’s classic I, Robot. In 2035, and robotic psychologist Dr. Susan Calvin begins residency at a teaching hospital where patients are injected with diagnostic nanobots. It wasn’t long before Susan realized that the injection had dire consequences – and that the nanobots were being used to facilitate a deadly plan.

The author revives an old friend, the legendary Dr. Susan Calvin. This book certainly feels like it could have been written by Isaac Asimov. In fact, I think this author writes better for female characters than Asimov. Susan Calvin’s character is filled with a warmth and depth never seen before.

The story is wonderful. I love how the author expects an intelligent reader and makes no apologies when he outlines medical cases in detail and asks philosophical questions that make you think.

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0.75 Speed
Normal Speed
1.25 Speed
1.5 Speed
  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. 001 - I, Robot 10.7886
  • 03. 002 - I, Robot 138.22
  • 04. 003 - I, Robot 567.088
  • 05. 004 - I, Robot 3216.11
  • 06. 005 - I, Robot 2967.79
  • 07. 006 - I, Robot 3060.79
  • 08. 007 - I, Robot 3288.26
  • 09. 008 - I, Robot 3059.23
  • 10. 009 - I, Robot 4549.44
  • 11. 010 - I, Robot 3733.36
  • 12. 011 - I, Robot 4040
  • 13. 012 - I, Robot 4073.23
  • 14. 013 - I, Robot 35.0565


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