Jingle All the Way A Novel – Online Free Audiobook

Jingle All the Way is a literary fiction book by author Debbie Macomber.
Love can transform even planned plans.

Caught between five siblings, Everly Lancaster has always had big dreams. Now a top real estate executive, Everly finds work is her life, leaving no room for anything else. She was stressed, Everly’s boss insisted on giving her a break in December. How would the company survive without her? But Everly’s mother convinces her otherwise. She deserves a vacation – plus, when she gets back, she won’t have any reason to miss her family Christmas like last year.

After her vengeful assistant booked a guided excursion to the Amazon instead of the luxury beach vacation she had hoped for, Everly was terrified when she realized she was about to be stranded for two weeks. coming – no Wi-Fi! – in the rainforest. Not even Asher Adams, the ship’s charming naturalist, could convince Everly that the trip would be unforgettable. She realized he was right: The sights were breathtaking. And with each passing day, Everly’s relationship with Asher deepens, forcing her to scrutinize her priorities.

Everly and Asher begin to see the miracle of being able to live together. As the trip nears its end and the Everly family’s Christmas holiday approaches, the two must decide if love is worth the risk. A nice surprise may be on the way in Debbie Macomber’s latest holiday fun.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Jingle-All-The-Way-A-Novel-000 5384.75
  • 03. Jingle-All-The-Way-A-Novel-001 5384.75
  • 04. Jingle-All-The-Way-A-Novel-002 5384.75
  • 05. Jingle-All-The-Way-A-Novel-003 3492.75


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