Lethal Outlook/ Psychic Eye Mysteries, Book 10 – Audiobook Online

Lethal Outlook is a mystery novel in the 10th Psychic Eye Mysteries series by author Victoria Laurie.
When a mysterious customer Abby with a cryptic message about an approachable young mother disappears, Abby is happy to join in. After all, it’s the perfect distraction from dealing with Cat’s sister’s headache – who flew into town and turned Abby and Dutch’s impending wedding into a Weddingpalooza.

Abby recruits her business partner and BFF, Candice, to assist, they meet the missing woman’s parents. Parents refuse to put their trust in a psychic. Worse, due to a serious misunderstanding, the family suspects Abby is connected to their daughter’s husband – the man they believe is responsible for her disappearance. While the family may be blind to the truth, with a potential killer in her sights, Abby is determined to open her eyes.

It is the 10th installment of the Abby series and is set in Texas. The series originally started in Michigan but moved and evolved as Abby’s relationship with Dutch and the FBI unfolded. It’s great to have a case that doesn’t involve a federal crime, it’s more of a mystery than in the factory disappearance case when a wife and mother suddenly disappeared from home, leaving their baby in the dark. his crib.

The story kept me guessing until the end as to who the killer was, but I figured out the weapon long before the characters did. The plot is complex and fast-paced with more mundane challenges than planning a big wedding and building a house.

Poor Abby still hasn’t recovered from the trauma of season 9 and she’s beaten up again. As always, she’s on top. Can’t wait for the next book, which I suspect will include our heroes’ wedding and part of the mall bombing lurking at the back of the plot. Once again great job, Victoria! Abby never let me down!

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Lethal-Outlook-Psychic-Eye-Mystery-10-000 5253.45
  • 03. Lethal-Outlook-Psychic-Eye-Mystery-10-001 5255.35
  • 04. Lethal-Outlook-Psychic-Eye-Mystery-10-002 5258.33
  • 05. Lethal-Outlook-Psychic-Eye-Mystery-10-003 5254.62
  • 06. Lethal-Outlook-Psychic-Eye-Mystery-10-004 5257.62
  • 07. Lethal-Outlook-Psychic-Eye-Mystery-10-005 5257.86
  • 08. Lethal-Outlook-Psychic-Eye-Mystery-10-006 5252.76
  • 09. Lethal-Outlook-Psychic-Eye-Mystery-10-007 1085.68


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