Life as a Casketeer – Audiobook Online

Life as a Casketeer is a social science book written by Francis Tipene, Kaiora Tipene.
Francis and Kaiora Tipene are not your typical funeral directors. Famous for their humour and benevolent personalities, TVNZ and Netflix reality stars are changing the way we think about death and pain.

Life as a Casketeer reveals how Francis and Kaiora grew up in families with few assets but rich in love and tikanga. They come to their often misunderstood work. It is also a book about the Maori worldview and traditional funeral customs. Tipenes makes death feel less mysterious and life feels more precious.

Life as a Casketeer is a love story—for whanau, for culture and for each other. It was full of joy and sadness, tears and laughter.

I really like Casketeers, partly because Auckland is so familiar, but also because learning about the Maori tikanga is really fun and Francis (or Kaiora) never seems arrogant when it comes to imparting knowledge or their experience, they are the type of people that I would make jokes with, if you know you’re wrong, please admit your mistake and correct it.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Life-as-a-Casketeer-What-the-Business-of-Death-Can-Teach-the-Living-000 5384.75
  • 03. Life-as-a-Casketeer-What-the-Business-of-Death-Can-Teach-the-Living-001 5384.75
  • 04. Life-as-a-Casketeer-What-the-Business-of-Death-Can-Teach-the-Living-002 5384.75
  • 05. Life-as-a-Casketeer-What-the-Business-of-Death-Can-Teach-the-Living-003 5384.72
  • 06. Life-as-a-Casketeer-What-the-Business-of-Death-Can-Teach-the-Living-004 4205.98


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