Mindset/ The New Psychology of Success – Audiobook Online
Mindset is a business book by author Carol S. Dweck PhD.
Dweck sheds light on how our beliefs about our abilities greatly influence the way we learn and the path we choose in life.
After decades of research, world-renowned psychologist Carol S. Dweck of Stanford University discovered a simple yet groundbreaking idea: the power of thinking. She shows how success in school, work, sports, the arts, and almost any field of human endeavor can be significantly influenced by the way we think about talents and abilities. mine. People with a fixed mindset – those who believe abilities are fixed – are less likely to grow than people with a growth mindset – those who believe abilities can be developed. Mindset shows how great parents, teachers, managers, and athletes can use this idea to drive excellence.
Dweck offers new insights into her now famous and widely accepted concept. She introduces a phenomenon she calls the false growth mindset and guides people to adopt a deeper, more authentic growth mindset. She also extends the concept of thinking beyond the individual, applying it to the cultures of groups and organizations. You can motivate the people you lead, teach, and love – to change lives. theirs and yours.
Mindset is another book in the seemingly endless production line of self help Psychology books available. Amazon recommended it to me based on my past purchases, and I decided to give it a try. I can honestly say that this book was eye opening for me. It’s based on the premise that there are two mindsets present in all human beings: The Fixed Mindset and The Growth Mindset. People with the fixed mindset, according to the author, are people who would rather not challenge themselves because it may reveal to them any inadequacy or weakness in their skill level or knowledge base. Conversely, people who possess the growth mindset are people who, regardless if they fail, crave the opportunity to better themselves even if it means admitting that they do not know as much as they thought they did in a particular subject or discipline.
The author also dispels the myth of intelligence and natural talent, bringing to light the evidence-based realization that intelligence can be nurtured and cultivated through study and constant, unremitting learning. One’s learning ability, or intelligence, much like the brain itself, is indeed malleable. Fascinating stuff. By the way, another book in the same vein as this one is “Talent is Overrated” by Geoff Colvin.
- The New Psychology of Success
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- 14. 13 - Mindset The New Psychology Of Success-934304776 1408.78
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