No More Mr Nice Guy – Audiobook Online , Love and Life

No More Mr Nice Guy:

A Proven Plan for Getting What You Want in Love and Life by Robert A. Glover 

Originally published as an e-book that became a controversial media phenomenon, No More Mr. Nice Guy! put its author, a certified marriage and family therapist, on The O’Reilly Factor and the Rush Limbaugh radio show.

Dr. Robert Glover has called the “Nice Guy Syndrome” when trying too hard to please others while ignoring their own needs, thereby causing unhappiness and frustration. Dr Glover asserts: It’s no surprise that unsatisfied Nice Guys take their anger out on their loved ones.

He explains how they can stop seeking approval and start getting what they want in life, by providing information and tools to help them ensure their needs are met, presenting express their emotions, have a satisfying sex life, and celebrate their masculinity and style. meaningful relationships with other men and unleash their creative potential.

Reading this book is like looking into a magic mirror that tells you the truth. I often think about my father and my own decisions and habits and that explains a lot. My first wife insisted, “Jim, you’re a nice guy and don’t have much money.” Her words hurt, but turned out to be prophetic. Dr. Glover’s observations are both revealing and liberating. If you’re a nice guy and sick of it, you’ll find relief here. It’s work, but worth it. Also proof of the old saying, “The truth will set you free (but it will first let you down.”)

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