Online Free Audiobook – A Beach Wish A Novel By Shelley Noble

A Beach Wish is a novel by famous author Shelley Noble. This is a New York Times bestseller. The book takes place over the summer at the dreamy beach listening to the family we create. The story is about a girl Zoe Bascombe who passes her Julliard audition, she covers her family paper and transfers to business school. After Zoe’s mother dies, how will she change her life and life goals? We invite you to stay tuned for the sequel to this wonderful book.

Here are the top 3 reviews and comments that readers love about this fascinating book.

Review 1: A Beach Wish A Novel audiobook by ajk


This book made me realize how important it is to ask questions of our parents before they die and how even though we live with our parents we don’t really know them until we ask questions about their lives. I would encourage everyone …I’ve encouraged all of my family to start writing a biography now just keep a binder out on the counter and write down their thoughts and experiences in it as they go through life to leave to their children and for children to ask their parents what they would want to ask them if tgey suddenly died and had not asked them. now that my parents are gone and you read all of the notes that people put in those obituary books online you realize there is so much you didnt know about them! I loved all the characters in this book and loved the goat and was wishing they would get another one to keep company as even goats need their own mates. Thank you for a great book and narration was perfect.

Review 2: A Beach Wish A Novel audiobook by Helene D. Nunez

A Beach Wish

I truly love this audiobook. And, hopefully they will all come together and learn to love one another. Zoe is the father of Lee, and Eve. And, Zoe is going to run the Inn until Eve returns. It was such an amazing story, that her mother told her to go back to Wind Chime Beach to spread her ashes. She had never heard of this place. And with her brothers coming together after Arold said Zoe would hear from his attorney. It all worked out for the best because they all came together to send their mother’s ashes at the beach. Wonderful story.

Review 3: A Beach Wish A Novel audiobook by MSH

What a great story. This book hits all the right notes for a book you will want to bring to the beach (or maybe I should say it brings the beach to you). I really got lost in the lives of these characters as they worked through a complicated family feud and found a new path together. It’s amazing to me how one woman’s choice in an instant has ramifications for generations of her family and her community. This book really drives home the way our lives are all interconnected. Definitely recommend.

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