Skulduggery 5 – Audiobook Online

My smuggling team and I have had great success shipping our illegal products around the city, and many of our competitors have been eliminated or put into families.

Unfortunately, this success caught the attention of the domineering goblin authorities, including the Guild Master of the Thieves and the Captain of the City Guard.

I will have to back the government, keep the whiskey flowing and continue to follow the lead of my magic keys.

Or we will all die.

Like the title says, one of my biggest problems with this series is that during the intimate scenes he always starts by describing how sweet the woman is. If you’ve ever made up with anyone, you will too. Other than that I love this series. The goblins are a bit blind and poorly investigated, but it works for the plot.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Skulduggery-5-Building-A-Criminal-Empire-Skulduggery-Building-A-Criminal-Empire-5-000 3318.18
  • 03. Skulduggery-5-Building-A-Criminal-Empire-Skulduggery-Building-A-Criminal-Empire-5-001 3333.4
  • 04. Skulduggery-5-Building-A-Criminal-Empire-Skulduggery-Building-A-Criminal-Empire-5-002 3356.99
  • 05. Skulduggery-5-Building-A-Criminal-Empire-Skulduggery-Building-A-Criminal-Empire-5-003 3349.41
  • 06. Skulduggery-5-Building-A-Criminal-Empire-Skulduggery-Building-A-Criminal-Empire-5-004 3347.38
  • 07. Skulduggery-5-Building-A-Criminal-Empire-Skulduggery-Building-A-Criminal-Empire-5-005 3370.62
  • 08. Skulduggery-5-Building-A-Criminal-Empire-Skulduggery-Building-A-Criminal-Empire-5-006 3374.31
  • 09. Skulduggery-5-Building-A-Criminal-Empire-Skulduggery-Building-A-Criminal-Empire-5-007 2996.1


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