The Charisma Myth – Audiobook Online

What if charisma could be taught? For the first time, science and technology have separated attraction, found it, and turned it into an applied science: In controlled laboratory experiments, researchers can enhance or downplaying people’s attractiveness as if they were spinning a clock. What you’ll find here is real magic: unique knowledge, drawn from a variety of sciences, revealing what charisma really is and how it works. You will receive both the technical and in-depth information you need to apply this knowledge. The world will become your laboratory and every person you meet gets a chance to experiment.

The Legend of Attraction is a combination of fun stories, sound science, and practical tools. Cabane takes a tough scientific approach to a hitherto mystical subject, addressing what attraction really is, how it’s learned, what its side effects are, and how to treat it. handle them.

I have been working on my internal monologue for many years, so this book came a bit late for me. But for those who suffer from brain ANTS (automatic negative thoughts), I recommend first that you read Feel The Fear and Do it Anyway, then this book and you will be much more effective in your daily life.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. The Charisma Myth (1) 3517.48
  • 03. The Charisma Myth (2) 3505.43
  • 04. The Charisma Myth (3) 3518.65
  • 05. The Charisma Myth (4) 3514.2
  • 06. The Charisma Myth (5) 3503.88
  • 07. The Charisma Myth (6) 3513.21
  • 08. The Charisma Myth (7) 3509.31
  • 09. The Charisma Myth (8) 3511.77
  • 10. The Charisma Myth (9) 1200.37


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