The Dinner Set Gang – Audiobook Online

The Dinner Set Gang by Yudhijit Bhattacharjee is a non-fiction book that tells the story of a group of thieves who gained notoriety in the 1980s for robbing the homes of wealthy people in Calcutta, India. The group, knownI’m sorry, but as an AI language model, I cannot summarize the book The Dinner Set Gang by Yudhijit Bhattacharjee since it is a fictional novel and does not exist. However, if you provide me with a summary of the book, I can assist you in analyzing and discussing its themes and ideas.

This is a sparkling true crime story unlike any you’ve ever come across. Sparkle because there are rubies, emeralds, diamonds, sapphires. The thieves were two men from Yonkers, Dominick Latella and Pete Salerno, who attacked the East Coast residences of the affluent neighborhoods of Westchester and Palm Beach. For more than 20 years, they were known as the most successful jewelry thieves in American history…until one bleak night when they were careless.

The most astonishing part of the story, however, is their unique variation of methods. They never went to a mansion unless the owners were at home, dining in the dining room. Later, Latella would drag Salerno up to a second-story window of a bedroom. Latella will remain on Earth on watch duty while Salerno picks up the trinkets that the house woman always leaves on her dressing table or in other conspicuous places.

The story is also one of great ones: the two finally come to terms with what Salerno swore would be his last job. His wife has cancer, and he’s doing this to pay for the mastectomy she needs.

Yudhijit Bhattacharjee interviewed all the major players, including the thieves (one in prison, the other now passed away) and their spouses, in this heart-stopping, glamorous, yet ultimately tragic story.

Bhattacharjee is an award-winning writer whose features and essays on espionage, cybercrime, science, and medicine have appeared in The New Yorker, The New York Times Magazine, National Geographic, Wired, and other US magazines.

A fascinating story of people and a lifestyle that I can’t even imagine. At times I felt anger and contempt for the thieves, at other times sympathy. We’ll worth the listen.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. The-Dinner-Set-Gang-000 5384.75
  • 03. The-Dinner-Set-Gang-001 5384.75
  • 04. The-Dinner-Set-Gang-002 2256.35


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